When she’s not writing fiction, Hilary Tailor runs a design consultancy specialising in colour and trend forecasting. She has worked with adidas and Puma and sits on the Pantone View colour committee. Hilary was raised on the Wirral Peninsula and graduated from the Royal College of Art.
My Story
When I was pregnant, I attended a pediatric first aid course. As we learnt how to perform CPR, a thought entered my mind. I wrote it down, and it became a book, THE VANISHING TIDE. I have always been a reader and writer. My job as a trend forecaster involves telling stories and illustrating images with words. It was a long-held ambition to write a novel and it took over ten years from conception to publication. My second book, WHERE WATER LIES, deals with similar themes: family, loyalty, and secrets. It will be published 1st June 2024.